How to Exclude Data for Specific Tables in Datapump Import (IMPDP)

How to Exclude Data for Specific Tables in Datapump Import (IMPDP)

Sometimes it is necessary to exclude data for some tables in a datapump import. In this post we will look at how to do that.


We will do this in two steps

  1. Import with CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY option. This will create all the tables without data. Example
$ impdp  username/password DIRECTORY=<your_directory_name> DUMPFILE=<your_dump_file> CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY logfile=<your_log_file.log> SCHEMAS=<your_schema>

2. In the second import, create a parfile with EXCLUDE, and CONTENT=DATA_ONLY parameters.

The parfile is necessary to prevent ORA-39001, ORA-39071, and ORA-00936 when you specify the EXCLUDE option directly in the impdp command.

Sample parfile

$ cat imptbl.parfile
EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('<your_table_to_excldue_1>','<your_table_to_excldue_2>')"

This will load the data into all the tables except those are specified in the excluded parameter.

Specify the parfile in the impdp command and execute.

$ impdp username/password  parfile=imptbl.parfile logfile=<your_log_file.log>

NB. Replace all entries in < > with your details.