Sometimes it is necessary to exclude data for some tables in a datapump import. In this post we will look at how to do that.
We will do this in two steps
- Import with CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY option. This will create all the tables without data. Example
$ impdp username/password DIRECTORY=<your_directory_name> DUMPFILE=<your_dump_file> CONTENT=METADATA_ONLY logfile=<your_log_file.log> SCHEMAS=<your_schema>
2. In the second import, create a parfile with EXCLUDE, and CONTENT=DATA_ONLY parameters.
The parfile is necessary to prevent ORA-39001, ORA-39071, and ORA-00936 when you specify the EXCLUDE option directly in the impdp command.
Sample parfile
$ cat imptbl.parfile
EXCLUDE=TABLE:"IN ('<your_table_to_excldue_1>','<your_table_to_excldue_2>')"
This will load the data into all the tables except those are specified in the excluded parameter.
Specify the parfile in the impdp command and execute.
$ impdp username/password parfile=imptbl.parfile logfile=<your_log_file.log>
NB. Replace all entries in < > with your details.